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SEIA produces a variety of research and supporting resources for the solar industry, ranging from full reports to short factsheets. This data helps inform policymakers and business leaders alike on the current state of solar and where the industry is headed.

Comments | Saturday, Mar 24, 2012

SEC Comments on Municipal Advisor Registration

SEIA's response to the Securities and Exchange Commission's proposed rule regarding municipal advisor registration.

Finance & Tax
Comments | Friday, Mar 16, 2012

PJM Tariff Motion to Intervene

SEIA requests that the Commission provide a solar-only alternative to the 15 percent screen, and invites PJM to participate in the rulemaking process should the Commission initiate one.

Rooftop Solar
Presentation | Wednesday, Mar 07, 2012

Solar Photovoltaic Technology

This presentation covers the basics of solar photovoltaic technology, markets and policy.

Rooftop Solar | International Trade | Solar Technologies

Comments offered to Bureau of Land Management on February 27, 2012 on behalf of SEIA. Comments are regarding BLM's published Advanced Notice 76 FR 81906 (December 29, 2011) (ANPR).

Utility-Scale Solar
Fact Sheet | Monday, Feb 20, 2012

Behind the Solyndra Headlines

The Solyndra bankruptcy is not indicative of the health of the U.S. solar industry and as with any competitive and dynamic market some companies will prosper and others will fail

Rooftop Solar | Finance & Tax | International Trade | Regulatory Policy | Solar Technologies

SEIA requests that the Commission adopt a photovoltaic-specific alternative to the "15 percent rule or screen" that applies to the "fast track" interconnection of small generation

Rooftop Solar | Regulatory Policy