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Solar Industry Welcomes 2018 Virginia Energy Plan and Commitments to Expand Solar Energy

Tuesday, Oct 02 2018

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam released the 2018 Virginia Energy Plan, which included a detailed strategy to increase access to solar and expand solar production in the state. Specifically, the plan calls for developing new solar purchase options for corporate customers and small businesses, expanding community solar, and adding 3,000 megawatts (MW) of solar and wind to the grid by 2022.

Following is a statement from Sean Gallagher, vice president of state affairs for the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA):

"With its 2018 Energy Plan, the Commonwealth of Virginia has taken another important step to expand solar energy and promote innovative technologies over the next 10 years. Governor Northam deserves credit for his leadership on clean energy and for establishing goals that are aligned with business and the public’s desire for energy that is affordable, creates jobs, protects the environment and grows Virginia’s economy. The solar industry will work with policy leaders, manufacturers and installers across Virginia to meet these benchmarks.”

The 2018 Virginia Energy Plan aims to significantly expand solar energy in Virginia, which is currently ranked 17th in the nation for its 635 MW of installed solar capacity. Today, the solar industry supports more than 3,500 jobs and nearly 200 companies across the state.


About SEIA®:

Celebrating its 44th anniversary in 2018, the Solar Energy Industries Association® is the national trade association of the U.S. solar energy industry, which now employs more than 250,000 Americans. Through advocacy and education, SEIA® is building a strong solar industry to power America. SEIA works with its 1,000 member companies to build jobs and diversity, champion the use of cost-competitive solar in America, remove market barriers and educate the public on the benefits of solar energy. Visit SEIA online at

Media Contact:

Morgan Lyons, SEIA's Communications Manager, [email protected] (202) 556-2872

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