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Grid Modernization 101


SEIA is actively engaged in leading states that are examining how to integrate greater penetrations of distributed solar and other distributed energy resources (DERs) into the electricity grid.

Rate design based on full valuation of distributed energy resources that maximizes the value of solar to the distribution grid

SEIA is working in leading initiatives, such as California’s Integrated Distributed Energy Resources and Demand Resources Planning proceedings, and New York’s Value of Distributed Energy proceedings, to ensure that valuations and rate design align DERs with system needs while supporting financeable projects with strong customer value propositions.

In the New York VDER docket, SEIA is helping to design interim successor tariffs to net metering based on a compensation framework that maintains stability and simplicity for customers, while providing accurate price signals about where and when solar is most valuable. 

In both California and New York, SEIA is engaged in defining location-based values that can be met with DERs, and determining how price signals will be used to enable voluntary response from DER providers to meet grid needs.

Modernizing the distribution system efficiently

Source: More Than Smart

SEIA is working to ensure that distribution system planning harnesses the full value of distributed solar through the identification of locational values, creation of accurate hosting capacity analyses to facilitate greater penetrations of solar, and avoidance of utility investments.

  • In California’s Distributed Resources Planning proceeding SEIA is:
    • seeking data that will facilitate the development of DER alternatives to distribution investments;
    • helping establish an Integrated Capacity Analysis that will identify the amount of different DERs, and portfolios of DERs, can be interconnected on any line segment throughout the utilities’ distribution systems; and
    • evaluating proposed utility investments to ensure higher penetrations of DERs are incorporated into the distribution system in the most cost-efficient manner.
  • In New York’s Distributed System Implementation Planning docket within the REV proceeding, working with a coalition of aligned stakeholders SEIA is working to improve the information made available by utilities to help evaluate the best locations for siting DER in both the near and long-term.
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