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SEIA produces a variety of research and supporting resources for the solar industry, ranging from full reports to short factsheets. This data helps inform policymakers and business leaders alike on the current state of solar and where the industry is headed.

This joint webcast for developers and equipment manufacturers of large-scale solar, wind, and energy storage plants will provide an update on the IEEE 2800, IEEE Standard for Interconnection and Interoperability of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) Interconnecting with Associated Transmission Electric Power Systems.

Webinar Archive | Friday, May 20, 2022

Supplier Diversity Webinar

Supplier diversity is a business strategy that ensures a diverse supplier base in the procurement of goods and services for any business or organization. It emphasizes the creation of a diverse supply chain that works to secure the inclusion of diverse groups in the procurement plans for government, not-for-profits, and private industry.

On behalf of the U.S. solar industry, SEIA submitted a letter to U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, articulating strong opposition to the department's investigation into solar tariffs requested by Auxin Solar, and urging the Secretary to make a swift negative preliminary determination in the investigation. 

Community Solar | Environment | Finance & Tax | International Trade | Regulatory Policy | Rooftop Solar | Federal, State & Regulatory Policy | Solar Technologies | Trade, Technology & Manufacturing | Utility-Scale Solar
Webinar Archive | Friday, Apr 29, 2022

SECURE RENEWABLES '22: Securing the Path to Net-Zero™

The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Idaho National Lab (INL) hosted a first-of-its-kind cybersecurity conference for the solar and storage industry. Over the next decade, hundreds of gigawatts of clean energy projects will come online and each one must account for the increased threat of cyberattacks from foreign and domestic adversaries.